A Domain Name identifies your/business online. Getting you business online is no different to setting any business and opening shop. Before you can open a shop you will need to register for a business name.
Similarly, for you to open shop on the Internet also commonly referred to a the Worldwide Web (WWW) you will need to register for a domain name. Ownership of the name is conditional that you renew it every year to keep it. If you don't renew you will loose it and the name become available again.
SHOP is where your office is, where you host and receive your visitors, as well as display your products and services to your customers.
Likewise, on the Internet the websites is your SHOP, and in order to display your products and services as well as receive visitors you will need to rent your spot in the vitual space before you can have an online presence. The process of leasing the SHOP space on the Internet is referred to as "Hosting".
A website is a business investment and should not be a cheap digital business card or online brochure. It is your "2nd-shop", a virtual business portal where your customers can interact and do business with you anywhere anytime 24x7. "You pay for what you get" so to speak. If you want a brochure $350 is what it costs but if you want place to do business, it costs what it is worth!
A website should have all the tools your customer needs to interact with your business, buy products and services from anyware anytime.
Marketing is the key to any business success, as it is the connection between the BUYER and the PRODUCT.
Call 1300 010 057 and talk to us about a marketing option that is suitable to you.